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Wellcome to Multiexpansión

We welcome you to our page, in which we intend to inform you of our beginning and journey since we were born as a commercial company.

We started in 1999, with the aim of occupying a space in several areas to develop our idea of ​​offering a more complete service to our potential clients.
We have had to adapt to market circumstances by offering a plus in service and quality.

Multiexpansión, as its name indicates, has as its “MAIN MILESTONE” to expand and apply the necessary means to be competitive and for this we apply “CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT”, providing technical solutions or resolving incidents in record times, with specialized personnel in the different fields of work.

To achieve our objectives Multiexpansión S.L. collaborates with different national and international firms, leaders in the market in each of the fields to which we are dedicated.

We try to add value

Multiexpansion Suministros generales